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The combination of treescape and grounds at Agnes Scott give the college its well-known feeling of being “transported” from the surrounding city. 我们的景观大约有100英亩. 校园的南侧基本上没有受到影响,被称为我们的“林地”.

The dep艺术ment of Facilities largely manages the college’s landscape with outside contractors who focus on lawn maintenance, 树保健, 修剪树木. The primary portion of landscape care is done in the main campus area where residential halls and academic buildings are located. The work done in the south side of campus is mostly the removal of dead trees and invasive species.

Facilities and the 可持续发展中心 work together to enhance the sustainability of the landscape to fit the goals of the college. Examples include planting native and drought-resistant ground cover plants and trees, 利用山羊清除入侵物种, 志愿者努力避免使用化石燃料的机器, 保持校园内50%以上的树冠. 阅读我们的校园景观年度报告.


2022年2月(左), 在每次降雨中,严重的侵蚀带走了泥土, 防止植物生长和退化土壤. 到2024年4月(右), regenerative land management had improved soil health sufficiently in this challenging area to support the re-establishment of native plants and beneficial species. The restoration of degraded soil can happen quickly when mulching and pioneer plant “cover crops” are used to reintroduce the natural biodiversity of plants, 微生物, 真菌, 以及构成健康土壤生态系统的土壤生物. In 2024, the 土壤再生 Project is moving from a pioneer-plant phase through a succession to Southeast Piedmont woodland perennials and shrubs.

峰会- stem学者(从左至右)Erika Mitchell-Washington, Ansley富兰克林, and Audrey Hudson examine soil structure and color as indicators of soil health during an orientation to interdisciplinary STEM learning at 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 in August, 2022. Dr. Molly Embree (foreground) points out soil aggregates which indicate a healthy soil that is biodiverse, 富含有机质, 它提供了许多生态系统服务, 如雨水的快速吸收和小气候的调节.

艾格尼丝·斯科特有一大片树冠. The college has been a certified Tree 校园 USA since 2012 and has applied for re-certification annually. 自2019年起,它也是ArbNet认证的二级认可植物园.

Agnes Scott also has an organic demonstration garden that focuses on native plantings and sharing ideas of small space food production.

2018年,我们被认证为美国蜜蜂校园. 学生组织, 传粉者, 继续支持照顾本地传粉媒介和蜜蜂的各个方面.

The 土壤再生 Project at 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 is an interdisciplinary collaboration among students, 教师, 工作人员, 以及当地社区成员将实践学习应用到气候行动中. Regenerating the biodiversity and health of urban soils is an essential strategy to achieve climate resilience – on a campus, 在全球范围内也是如此. 

In 2021, four undergraduate STEM Scholars conducted a summer pilot study with the goals of establishing baseline measurements of soil health on the ASC campus and using this evaluation to inform the college’s strategy for achieving carbon neutrality by 2037. This conceptual puzzle took an urgent practical turn when the students observed the heavy erosion occurring at the time in the Woodruff Woods, 占地一英亩的景观坐落在伍德拉夫体育活动大楼之间, 示范园区, 拜尔斯网球场, 和盖勒斯泰特轨道 & 场. 不满足于在夏季结束时报告初步研究结果, one of the students decided to continue researching the field – first to quantify the erosion, 然后找到恢复土壤健康的方法. 土壤再生项目于2022年春季从这项工作开始.   

从2021年夏天开始, this field has been under continuous study and care by many students and ASC groups. 这个项目推动了学生的研究和演讲, 社区服务, 课堂教学课程, 跨学科合作:

  • 2021 STEM学者计划研究研讨会(闪电演讲)
  • 2021年全球妇女领袖大会(海报)
  • The Dish on Dirt(午餐和学习系列)
  • 2021-2024 subject for curricula in undergraduate and graduate courses (ESS, HCD, Pippins?)
  • 2021-2024年地球日土壤健康示范表 & 新书抽奖
  • 2022春季年度研究会议(讲座)
  • 2023 ASC社区日项目
  • 2023-2024周五野外活动(正在进行的社区服务项目)
  • 2024-2025年战地朋友 欧文 有益植物及本地物种系列
  • 2024-2025年与波特曼创意艺术项目合作


  • 在ScottieServe上注册成为志愿者. 我们需要各种各样的志愿者,欢迎各种兴趣和知识水平的志愿者.
  • 学生们,参与“传粉者和种子”组织. 这两个组织都与土壤健康组织密切合作 & Regeneration Project and there’s lots of room for more research questions and community engagement.
  • 看看《正规博彩十大网站排名》, our on-going announcement in the 欧文 of plants of interest throughout the seasons. 
电子邮件 sustainability@l9e1.com 了解更多关于项目的信息或参与的方式.

所有2,校园里的000多棵树构成了艾格尼丝·斯科特植物园, 展出的木本植物的集合, 教育, 和研究. The college’s tree canopy is maintained between 45-55% in compliance with the City of Decatur’s Tree Canopy Conservation Ordinance.

The college has been a certified Tree 校园 USA since 2012 and has applied for re-certification annually. 自2019年起,它也是ArbNet认证的二级认可植物园. This designation requires having 100 or more unique species of trees and meeting arboreta and landscape practices required for Level II certification. No other international program of accreditation exists that is specific to arboreta. 每年二月, Agnes Scott adds to its collection of trees by planting honor trees in celebration of Georgia’s Arbor Day. Employees of the college with 25+ years of service can opt to have a tree planted in their name. 最新的获奖名单可以在植物园网站上找到.

植物园本身是阿格尼斯·斯科特的文科课程的反映. 来自不同部门的教职员工——经典, 艺术, 生物学, 人类学, 环境及可持续发展研究, 妇女性别与平等研究——设施, 它的, 通信和可持续性结合在一起创造了它. They also developed its website, tours, and the 植物园 Advisory Committee in 2012. 

The college uses a consulting arborist to provide the best decisions in terms of care, 树种及种植位置, 风险评估. 根据我们2020-2025年树木护理计划的指导, 平面图包含了植物园各个方面的信息, 包括最佳管理和护理实践, 教育及服务目标, 荣誉树计划, 树木的生态系统服务效益, 以及其他机构制定自己的树木护理计划的建议. 查看完整的节目列表, 项目, 认证, 以及植物园网站上的17个地点的徒步之旅.

Our organic demonstration garden is a fantastic way for students to see the true origins of their food. 农作物的种类随季节而变化, 过去的收成包括羽衣甘蓝, 大蒜, 洋葱, 芝麻菜, 甜菜, 还有瑞士甜菜.

因为花园的位置靠近学院的体育中心, 路过的家庭和迪凯特社区成员也可以从花园中受益. 访问ors to the garden also include many different types of pollinators that come to feed and rest among the variety of flowers and herbs. 在春夏季节,人们很容易迷失在喧嚣之中. The pollinator garden engages students passionate in preserving and protecting pollinators, 比如艾格尼丝·斯科特的传粉者和种子俱乐部. It is also a place for citizen science to take place during the pollinator census every August with interested members of the Agnes Scott community. 

虽然花园太小,无法为艾格尼丝·斯科特的食堂提供食物, 丰收的果实常常进入学生们的厨房, 教师, 和工作人员, 确保我们的社区从当地受益, 菜园提供的有机农产品!

  • 建立/维持美国蜜蜂校园委员会或小组委员会 
  • Develop and maintain a 校园 Pollinator Habitat Plan to include a locally native (indigenous to your ecoregion), pollinator-friendly plant list with regional sources for such plants and an integrated pest management (IPM) plan. The plant list and IPM plan should be publicized and available on the web to offer a valuable landscape-management model applicable to other local landscapes. 
  • 举办一年一度的校园活动,提高人们对传粉媒介重要性的认识 
  • 每年赞助和跟踪学生的服务学习 
  • 至少每两年提供一次传粉者保护课程 
  • 张贴有关传粉媒介的标志
  • 在学校的网站上建立一个网页来分享你的经验 蜜蜂 校园 美国新闻和活动
